Shawna specializes in taxation and the audits of non-profit organizations, municipalities, school districts, and businesses. She is proficient with yellow book standards and Uniform Guidance audit requirements. Shawna also consults with non-profits and small businesses in the areas of budget management, financial strategies, and financial information systems.
Shawna has over 25 years of public accounting experience. During this time, she has specialized in working with governmental units, school districts, and non-profit entities in both supervisory roles as an auditor and internal roles as a consultant. She currently serves as finance director for two local municipalities and a mid-sized non-profit organization. Shawna also has extensive experience providing tax preparation and consulting services for individuals and business organizations.
Shawna graduated with distinction from the University of Michigan – Flint with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting. She is a licensed CPA in the state of Michigan.
3150 Livernois Rd. Suite 175
Troy, MI 48083
2302 Stonebridge Dr. Building D
Flint, MI 48532
1213 W. Morehead St. 5th Floor
Charlotte, NC 28208
9400 S. Saginaw St. Suite B
Grand Blanc, MI 48439